Hello all! I graduate from college in two and a half weeks! I can't believe how fast the last month has gone. I will miss my friends and professors, but I am ready to move on.
Speaking of which, I am writing today to tell you about the exciting opportunities I have in the next year. I'm going back to Bengal, and to both sides this time! This summer, I will be in Bangladesh with the Critical Language Scholarship Program. This is the same program I participated in last summer, and I will be continuing with the next level of Bengali. In September, I will move across the border to Kolkata. I have been accepted for a year-long program studying Bengali with the American Institute of Indian Studies.
I leave on May 31st. Stay tuned for further developments!
All opinions expressed here are my own and do not in any way reflect the opinions of the CLS program, the US State Department, or the American Institute of Indian Studies.