Thursday, May 12, 2011

21 days and counting

Hello all. If you're reading this you probably already know that I'm going to Bangladesh this summer with a Bengali Critical Language Scholarship (CLS). I leave in 21 days. At this point, I'm both excited and nervous; it will be my first big trip out of the country. This blog will be my record of the trip, and I'll try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.
With the CLS program I will learn a year's worth of college-level Bengali in eight weeks. The program is located in Dhaka on the campus of the Independent University of Bangladesh, and housing is nearby in the diplomatic area. I leave for Washington, DC on June 2nd and then for Bangladesh on the 5th.
Just one final note- everything written on this blog is my own opinion and does not reflect the opinion of the CLS program or the US government.

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